Employment Agency WORK & CREATIVITY


With the services of our employment agency, employers minimize the amount of time and costs spent on recruitment and selection of employees. The course of searching and acquiring employees by the employment agency is much shorter and more effective than activities carried out by internal HR departments.

We offer services of qualified employees in such areas as: finishing works, general construction, carpenters, salesmen.

We provide all our clients with innovative solutions in the field of recruitment and selection of permanent employees, temporary work as well as HR and payroll services. The objective of our company is to provide modern solutions and the best recruitment tools. We try to help in finding the right position for as many people as possible.

What makes us different?

  • professional formal and legal service,
  • providing employees with all the training, improving their qualifications,
  • previewing employees activities,
  • we provide care for the project manager, who cares about the quality of provided services

tel. 519 081 354 
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